Become a barista at home!

How to prepare delicious coffee at home?

If you have fallen in love with specialty coffee and are ready to abandon commercial coffee forever, it's time to become your own home barista!

It may sound complicated, but it's actually quite easy and fun.

Your kitchen, your personal cafeteria!

Select High Quality Coffee Beans

Buy fresh coffee beans from a local roaster or from a specialized online store to ensure you get the best quality. Visit our store to learn more to learn more about our house beans, roasted by small roasters in Spain.

Whole coffee beans preserve flavors and aromas better.

Get a coffee grinder. I assure you that it is worth the investment. Avoid ground coffee; always opt for whole beans.

Discover Your Favorite Extraction Method

Learn preparation methods such as the Chemex, V60, or French press. There are thousands of tutorials on YouTube that will explain step by step.

Test and disrute

The best part is discovering how you like your coffee best