Specialty Coffee, Brunch & Bakery, Welcome to Simona Coffee Club!

Simona Specialty Coffee Club

Simona Coffee Club is the home of coffee addicts in San Sebastian. The local spot where you can taste the proximity of international flavours prepared with care. Specialty Coffee, Brunch, Pastry and Curated Coffee Products, all under one roof.

Summer favorites

Simona SHOP

Join our caffeine trip!
Our beans, coffee products and merchandise from Simona are available at our coffee shop in Donostia-San Sebastian and by mail.

Coffee Fanatics!

It’s time to nourish your inner coffee monster. Subscribe to the Simona Coffeeletter, receive exclusive offers, and join us on an exciting exploration of Specialty Coffee.

Simona Specialty Coffee Club Logo
M-F from 9:00 to 19:00 ☕️ 
M-F from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 🍴
Ramon Maria Lili 2,
Donostia - San Sebastian